Life Coaching In Trinidad And Tobago For Women Of Excellence

Inspiring Transformation

“… For Her Price Is Far Above Rubies” (Proverbs 31:10b)

Schedule A Discovery Call: 768-6477

When Life gets you Down
… How do you Cope?

People often ask “What is a Life Coach, exactly?” Put simply, a Life Coach guides and supports you towards achieving your goals; it’s someone who’s always in your corner, not as the “sage on the stage”, but as the “guide by your side”. As your coach, we co-create your desired outcomes. I help you find success by bringing my personal, professional and educational experiences to our coaching relationship, allowing me to use many skills in our work together:

  • I listen to you - not for judgment but for understanding;
  • I ask you questions that will allow you to think in new and revealing ways;
  • I motivate, encouraging and support you; and
  • I help you discover, define and then focus on your passions and dreams.

Is This You?

You’re striving for excellence in all aspects of life. You are fairly satisfied with where life has brought you, yet you feel the need for support and guidance towards achieving your full purpose and potential. Perhaps your challenges lie in one or more of the following areas in which you can be supported:


Life Coaching

You have difficulty setting boundaries in the face of pressures and expectations of others and seemingly constant demands on your time and resources. I guide and support you in prioritizing self-care, and cultivating resilience while fostering growth and fulfillment in all areas of life.


Career Coaching

You chose your career by default thinking it was the best that was available to. Now you feel unfulfilled and wonder if you should make the shift you yearn for. You can be guided in identifying and pursuing career paths aligned with your passions, values, and personal fulfillment while balancing workplace challenges and family responsibilities.


Executive Coaching

As a woman in a leadership role you feel challenged by the lack of upward mobility and apparent biases in the workplace where responsibilities are out of alignment with rewards. You can be empowered to develop assertiveness and achieve your career aspirations with joy and wholeheartedness while maintaining work-life balance.


Relationship Coaching

You find yourself repeating relationship patterns that leave you feeling alone, lonely and unfulfilled. I support you in a journey of self-discovery in which you learn how to cultivate healthy relationships and set healthy boundaries while fostering communication skills and self-awareness in interpersonal relationships.


Transition Coaching

In life, we experience many transitions. Some are unavoidable and more challenging than others. Let me help you through your life transitions, including divorce and separation, or the loss of a long-term relationship that’s hard to accept. Let me help you navigate uncertainty with resilience and embrace new opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment.


Retirement Coaching

Transitioning into retirement is not always as easy as you might imagine. You want to enter retirement with purpose and fulfillment, empowered to pursue new interests, contribute to your community and redefine your identity beyond traditional roles and expectations. Let this be your season of greatest possibilities, living a life of purpose, joy and gladness.


Parenting Coaching

In these times of rapid growth and change, parenting is challenging, whether you’re parenting newborns or adolescents. The support and guidance you need in finding balance, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care while promoting positive parenting practices and advocating for your own well-being, are available to you.

You’re really not Alone.. . There’s help
available to you …

I am Noeline Husbands. I am a Certified Professional Coach with a passion for and a commitment to helppng women of excellence like yourself experience satisfaction and fulfilment in their lives. I help you identify your priorities, discover your passions, and remove the social, emotional and psychological barriers that are preventing you from achieving your goals.

I am qualified and experienced both as a Counselling Psychologist and as a Certified Professional Coach, holding a Master[s degree in Counselling Psychology and a second Master’s degree in Family Life Education. I hold, as well, certifications in Inspiring Transformation from the Relationship Coaching Institute and in the Foundations of Woman-Centered Coaching from the Institute for Women-Centered Coaching’

I am proud that over my many years of practice I have been privileged to have provide professional services to a broad strata of our multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural society, giving me a unique perspective on life in Trinidad and Tobago.

People describe me as calm, I am warm, down to earth and easy to relate to. I am here to serve you

Schedule A Discovery Call: 768-6477

It may not surprise you to learn that successful coaching clients have the following factors in common:

  • They are willing to ask questions and challenge perceptions;
  • They are willing to reveal the truth, learn from it and take action;
  • They have a vision, although frequently clouded, of a better life; and
  • They are high functioning, intelligent people with a desire to realize their best potential.
IS THIS YOU? CALL ME 1 868 768 6477
Schedule A Discovery Call: 768-6477
Marriage Counselling Trinidad and Tobago


Noeline is a critical thinker, with the ability to analyse, make connections between ideas, and devise solutions based on her analysis. She is empathetic, a nurturer at heart, and an engaged listener. She takes her commitments seriously, and once it is within her power, she will not abandon a task or project before it is completed. She believes that we can experience success at various stages throughout our journey towards achieving our goals, as every step is important. She values her family dearly, and is committed to helping other women experience satisfaction and fulfilment in their own lives. She is creative, not afraid to take risks, and committed to devising solutions to societal problems, without seeking recognition.


Noeline is a critical thinker, with the ability to analyse, make connections between ideas, and devise solutions based on her analysis. She is empathetic, a nurturer at heart, and an engaged listener. She takes her commitments seriously, and once it is within her power, she will not abandon a task or project before it is completed. She believes that we can experience success at various stages throughout our journey towards achieving our goals, as every step is important. She values her family dearly, and is committed to helping other women experience satisfaction and fulfilment in their own lives. She is creative, not afraid to take risks, and committed to devising solutions to societal problems, without seeking recognition.


Noeline is a critical thinker, with the ability to analyse, make connections between ideas, and devise solutions based on her analysis. She is empathetic, a nurturer at heart, and an engaged listener. She takes her commitments seriously, and once it is within her power, she will not abandon a task or project before it is completed. She believes that we can experience success at various stages throughout our journey towards achieving our goals, as every step is important. She values her family dearly, and is committed to helping other women experience satisfaction and fulfilment in their own lives. She is creative, not afraid to take risks, and committed to devising solutions to societal problems, without seeking recognition.
